The Edison has 2 i2c channels that we can use, i2c-1 and i2c-6. i2c-1 is used by the Edison Arduino board itself to control level shifters, multiplexers etc. i2c-6 is routed to the Arduino headers. i2c-6 pinmux are already set as needed.
which will configure the pins associated to i2c-6 in the correct mode.To test i2c you need to insert the module i2c-dev first:
modprobe -i i2c-dev
To detect all i2c channels:
i2cdetect -l
#i2c-3 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-1 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-6 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-4 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-2 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-7 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
#i2c-5 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter
Show the devices detected on a channel:
i2cdetect -y -r 1
root@edison:~# i2cdetect -y -r 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: UU UU UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
i2c-1 works, the devices shown as UU are the multiplexers on the Arduino board.
root@edison:~# i2cdetect -y -r 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39 -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
i2c-6 is also working and shows a TSL2561 sensor at address 0x39.
User-mode access to SPI devices via /dev/spidev5.1 works. It was tested with an RFM69 radio module attached to an Intel mini-breakout board; single-byte and burst transfers were performed in both directions at an SPI speed of 6 MHz.
We apply a set of patches to the kernel so that the high speed UART (HSU) is handled by DMA to eliminate UART interrupts completely:
We need to prevent the dma controller from entering a sleep state as waking up can take a long time and the latency can be longer then the UART FIFO length. To do this we need to write 0 to /dev/cpu_dma_latency
. The easiest way to do this without coding is to run cyclictest
in the background:
cyclictest > /dev/null &
With the above patches no data loss occurs even at 3500000 baud, provided inter-character gaps are sufficiently long. For intentional gaps (the time between sending 2 blocks) this is always the case.
or uart_4w
which will configure the pins associated to HSU in the correct mode for either RX/TX or RX/TX/RTS/CTS mode. For the console DMA is disabled so that kernel messages to the console (ttyS2) do not depend on the DMA subsystem. For the HSU connected to the Bluetooth modem (ttyS3) and the free UART on the Arduino headers (ttyS1) DMA is enabled by default.
Commands included in libgpiod
are gpiodetect
, gpiofind
, gpioinfo
, gpiomon
, gpioset
For instance, to set TRI_STATE_ALL high:
gpioset `gpiofind TRI_STATE_ALL`=1
With linux 4.20 USB works in dual role mode which means it can act either as a device or as a host. In addition it has OTG (On The Go), meaning it can detect the role depending on the type of cable and device at the other end of the cable. For the Edison Arduino the mode is determined by the position of Switch 1 as it has a standard Type A USB plug for host mode and a standard micro B USB plug for device mode. The Edison Breakout board has a micro AB OTG connector to enable automatic selection of the mode.
You can use this mode to connect a USB ethernet dongle. Hubs based on smsc95xx (AKA LAN 9514) provide 4 USB ports and 1 10/100 Ethernet port and works out of the box, providing almost 100Mb/s. You can also connect USB sticks and ftdi based serial port dongles.
In Gadget mode you can connect the Edison to your PC and the PC will detect a multi-function device. Current we have:
See Networking functions). The network connection has been verified to work with Linux hosts. More work may be needed with Windows based hosts. The speed of the network connection is expected to be in the order of 200Mb/s.
The partition that is shared is the boot
partition (/dev/mmcblk0p9)
To make this work, on the host: echo 0x1d6b 0x0104 >/sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/generic/new_id
, this creates a new /dev/USBx port.
On Edison put a tty on the newly created port:
systemctl start getty@ttyGS0.service
To make this permanent:
systemctl enable getty@ttyGS0.service
If you want a colorized terminal, put a line in /etc/environment
You can now open a terminal from the host:
screen /dev/USBx 115200
To make this work, on Edison:
.sudo setfacl -m u:ferry:rw /dev/snd/*
(for some reason pulseaudio should do this automatically, but doesn’t).systemctl --user start pulseaudio
.On host:
selecting Analog Stereo Duplex
or Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output + Analog Stereo Input
pactl list sources | grep Name | grep Gadget
Name: alsa_input.usb-USBArmory_USBArmory_Gadget_0123456789abcdef-03.iec958-stereo
pactl list sinks | grep Name
Name: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
pactl load-module module-loopback source=alsa_input.usb-USBArmory_USBArmory_Gadget_0123456789abcdef-03.iec958-stereo sink=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
Play a wav file on edison:
paplay "clubbed to death - Matrix soundtrack.wav"
The load for pulseaudio + paplay is ~ 24% out of 200% (devided over 2 CPU’s.
Play a mp3 file on edison:
pactl list sinks | grep Name
mpg123 -a clubbed-to-death-Matrix-soundtrack.mp3
The load for pulseaudio + mpg123 ~ 30% out of 200%. To make this work you need to install mpg123
to your image, or build it using bitbake mpg123
and install using apt
see Building the deb repository.
The Gadget functions are created by the script
in a dedicated directory GADGET_BASE_DIR
in configfs
. Whenever the USB port goes into Gadget mode this script is called from the udev
rule gadget.rules
. The Gadget functions persist when going to Hode mode, so the directory in configfs
is only written once. Script and rule are provided by recipe gadget
in meta-intel-bsp
© 2018 Ferry Toth